“Leaders of the best places to work realize that inspiring their workers to give extra effort is a major competitive advantage.”

Leigh Branham
Founder and Managing Principal
of Keeping the People, Inc.
I devoted the first twenty years of my career to helping individuals in the management of their own careers. I invested the past twenty years in helping companies engage and retain their talent. I have a strong belief based on years of experience that companies and individuals can successfully merge their goals and that investing in people is the surest path to prosperity and profitability.
The benefits of having a highly engaged workforce are widely recognized. The Gallup Organization reports that companies with employee engagement survey scores in the top 50th percentile achieve productivity measures that are 70% higher than those in the bottom 50th percentile. Still, only 66% of managers say that they know what employee engagement is (Modern Survey). This helps to explain why only 34% of American workers are fully engaged (Gallup).
This is why my mission now is to educate leaders and managers about the universal drivers of employee engagement and the kinds of specific actions and practices they can use to increase team engagement one person at a time.
I invite you to contact me to discuss how I can help increase employee engagement in your organization via an in-person presentation, workshop, or webinar.
Since founding Keeping the People in 2004, I have spoken to hundreds of audiences in ten countries, sharing the results of my research into why people choose to leave, stay, and give their best effort…or withhold it.
Workforces cannot be engaged, but people can be…one at a time. This is the work of leaders and managers, many of whom are not sure where to begin. My workshops allow managers the time to learn in detail about the Six Universal Drivers of Employee Engagement and how to leverage them.
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